Saturday, November 21, 2009

How can art be a mirror of society?

In the Renaissance, painting was like a mirror of Society. "The School of Athens" by Raphael was one of them, it showed some of the important contributors, and how education was like in the Renaissance. Raphael painted people like Zeno, Epicurus and Ptolemy. In the center he painted Plato and Aristotle, two famous philosophers. By looking at this painting people can know about famous Renaissance figures, and also about education. In this painting, people are reading, talking and conducting experiments. They also have famous people teaching their students that are both men and women. This shows that education in the Renaissance was advanced, and also women were starting to get equal rights as men. "The School of Athens" is like a mirror of society, it shows famous Renaissance figures, how education was like, and rights for men and women.

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