Peter is a refugee from Sudan, who currently lives in Kansas. He experienced difficulty while assimilating to the American culture. In the Dinka culture, it’s normal for guys to hold hands and hug, however in the American culture people believed that they were homosexual. In the refugee camp, Peter and his friends ate with their hands. When lunch came out on the plane to America, they weren’t sure how to eat the food, and they had no idea what they were eating. Education was also something Peter struggled with. The refugee camp in Africa couldn’t provide him the best education. When he worked in the factory, he had problems learning how the machines worked. Peter also had difficulties making new friends and showing his affection, because of his different culture. He thought it was okay to catch a random bird and give it to his girlfriend as a gift. His ethnicity caused conflict too. Peter’s boss in Wal-mart told him to work outside, since he is black and used to the heat.
To adjust to this new culture, Peter tried to act like how a normal American does, such as watching TV, using slang words and eating junk food. He also dressed like an American, with baggy jeans, hoodies/jackets and shiny necklaces. Peter hung out with his friends from different cultures by playing basketball with them. By doing what other Americans do, Peter also started to forget his Dinka culture.